Synonyms: African eye worm, Loa worm, Filaria oculiName of disease: Loaiasis, Calabar swelling (swelling Fugitive), Tropical
swelling and Africa eyewormVector: ChrysopsHospes: HumanHabitat: Adult worms found in the subcutaneous tissue
humans. Microfilariae circulating in the blood
during the day (diurna) and live in the pulmonary capillary blood
at night. Can also be found in the urine,
sputum and sometimes in the spinal fluid
back.Geographic distribution: Many are found in West Africa and Central AfricaScientific classificationKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: NemathelmynthesClass: NematodesOrder: SpiruridaSuperfamily: FilarioideaFamily: OnchocercidaeGenus: LoaSpecies: Loa loaHistory
The first case was recorded Loa loa infection in the Caribbean (Santo Domingo) in 1770. A French surgeon named Mongin tried but failed to remove worms that pass in the eyes of a woman. Several years later, in 1778, Francois Guyot surgeon can perform surgery on the worms in the eyes of a slave from West Africa to the French ship to America.
Identification of microfilaria was made in 1890 by ophthalmologist Stephen McKenzie. A common clinical presentation of loiasis, who observed in 1895 in the coastal city of Calabar Nigeria is created the name of swelling.
This observation was made by a Scottish ophthalmologist Douglas Argyll-Robertson, but the relationship between Loa loa and Calabar swelling is not realized until the year 1910 (by Dr. Patrick Manson). Determination of flies Chrysops vectors are known in 1912 by British parasitologist Robert Thompson Leiper.
Adult worms shaped like fine threads and milky white
Female worms: body length can reach 7cm or 50-70 mm 0.5 n
Male worms: 4cm or 30 to 340.43 mm
Microfilariae: 250-300 mokron 6 to 8.5 microns, has a holster / sheath
Life Cycle
A. Microfilariae that circulate in the blood sucked by flies Chrysops
after 10-12 days in the body of insects, microfilariae infective larvae grow up to be characterized by skin changes
then transmitted to other humans
Adult worms live in the human body within 1-4 years, then berkopulasi and female adult worms release microfilariae.
Adult worms grow in the human body and within 1 to 4 weeks from berkopulasi and adult female worms release mikrofilarianya.
Pathogenesis and Clinical Symptoms· Microfilariae usually do not cause symptoms· Adult worms can be found throughout the body and often cause disturbances in the conjunctiva of the eye (sore, swollen eyelids) and the base of the nose· Abnormalities Typical Calabar Swelling or fungitive swelling (swelling of tissue the size of chicken eggs)· If the worms get into the brain may cause encephalitis
By finding microfilariae in the blood taken during the day
By finding the adult worms from the eye conjunctiva or in the subcutaneous tissue
Giving dietilkarbamasin citrate (DEC) dose of 2 mg / kg / day, 3 times daily for 14 days
Surgery to remove the adult worms that can be done at the back of the nose or across the network at the time appear in the conjunctiva of the cornea
Regular treatment of patients
Conducting the eradication of the vector and the vector to prevent bites
PrognosisPrognosis is usually good when the adult worms had been expelled from the eye and the treatment worked well
Diposkan oleh Andreas Heri di 18:51 0 komentar Kirimkan Ini lewat Email
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Label: Parasitologi
Nematoda Jaringan - Loa Loa
Nematoda Jaringan - Loa Loa
Sinonim : Cacing mata Afrika, cacing Loa, Filaria oculi
Nama penyakit : Loaiasis, calabar swelling (fugitive swelling), Tropical
swelling dan Afrika eyeworm
Vektor : Chrysops
Hospes : Manusia
Habitat : Cacing dewasa terdapat di jaringan subkutan
manusia. Mikrofilaria beredar dalam darah pada
siang hari (diurna) dan hidup di kapiler darah paru
pada malam hari. Dapat juga diketemukan di urin,
dahak dan terkadang dalam cairan sumsum tulang
Distribusi geografik : Banyak ditemukan di Afrika Barat dan Afrika Tengah
Klasifikasi ilmiah
Kerajaan : Animalia
Filum : Nemathelmynthes
Kelas : Nematoda
Order : Spirurida
Superfamili : Filarioidea
Keluarga : Onchocercidae
Genus : Loa
Spesies : Loa loa
Kasus pertama infeksi Loa loa tercatat di Karibia (Santo Domingo) pada tahun 1770. Seorang ahli bedah Prancis bernama Mongin mencoba tetapi gagal untuk menghapus cacing yang lewat di mata seorang wanita. Beberapa tahun kemudian, pada 1778, ahli bedah Guyot Francois dapat melakukan pembedahan pada cacing di mata seorang budak dari Afrika Barat pada kapal Prancis ke Amerika.
Identifikasi microfilaria dibuat pada tahun 1890 oleh Stephen dokter mata McKenzie. Sebuah presentasi klinis umum loiasis, yang diamati pada tahun 1895 di pesisir kota Nigeria maka terciptalah nama Calabar swelling.
Pengamatan ini dibuat oleh seorang dokter mata Skotlandia bernama Douglas Argyll-Robertson, tetapi hubungan antara Loa loa dan Calabar swelling tidak disadari sampai tahun 1910 (oleh Dr Patrick Manson). Penentuan vektor lalat Chrysops diketahui pada tahun 1912 oleh British parasitologist Robert Thompson Leiper.
Cacing dewasa berbentuk seperti benang halus dan berwarna putih susu
Cacing betina : panjang tubuhnya dapat mencapai 7cm atau 50 - 70 0,5n mm
Cacing jantan : 4cm atau 30-340,43 mm
Mikrofilaria : 250-300 mikron 6-8,5 mokron, memiliki sarung/selubung
Siklus Hidup
1. Mikrofilaria yang beredar dalam darah dihisap oleh lalat Chrysops
setelah 10-12 hari didalam tubuh serangga, mikrofilaria tumbuh menjadi larva infektif yang ditandai dengan pergantian kulit
kemudian ditularkan kepada manusia lainnya
cacing dewasa hidup dalam tubuh manusia dalam waktu 1-4 tahun, kemudian berkopulasi dan cacing dewasa betina mengeluarkan mikrofilaria.
Cacing dewasa tumbuh dalam badan manusia dan dalam waktu 1 sampai 4 minggu mulai berkopulasi dan cacing betina dewasa mengeluarkan mikrofilarianya.
Patogenesis dan Gejala Klinik
· Mikrofilaria biasanya tidak menimbulkan gejala
· Cacing dewasa dapat diketemukan diseluruh tubuh dan sering kali menimbulkan ganguan di konjungtiva mata (sakit, pelupuk mata bengkak) dan pangkal hidung
· Kelainan yang khas adalah Calabar Swelling atau fungitive swelling (pembengkakan jaringan yang berukuran sebesar telur ayam)
· Jika cacing masuk ke otak dapat menyebabkan ensefalitis
Dengan menemukan mikrofilaria dalam darah yang diambil pada siang hari
Dengan menemukan cacing dewasa dari konjungtiva mata ataupun dalam jaringan subkutan
Pemberian dietilkarbamasin sitrat (DEC) dosis 2 mg/kgBB/hari, 3 x sehari selama 14 hari
Pembedahan untuk mengeluarkan cacing dewasa yang dapat dilakukan pada waktu melintasi jaringan punggung hidung atau pada waktu tampak di konjungtiva kornea
Pengobatan secara teratur terhadap penderita
Mengadakan pemberantasan vektor dan mencegah gigitan vektor tersebut
Prognosis biasanya baik apabila cacing dewasa telah dikeluarkan dari mata dan pengobatan berhasil dengan baik
Diposkan oleh Andreas Heri di 18:48 0 komentar Kirimkan Ini lewat Email
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Label: Parasitologi
Nematoda Jaringan - Wuchereria bancrofti
Nematoda Jaringan - Wuchereria bancrofti
Life Cycle of Wuchereria bancrofti:
Different species of the following genera of mosquitoes are vectors of W. bancrofti filariasis depending on geographical distribution. Among them are: Culex (C. annulirostris, C. bitaeniorhynchus, C. quinquefasciatus, and C. pipiens); Anopheles (A. arabinensis, A. bancroftii, A. farauti, A. funestus, A. gambiae, A. koliensis, A. melas, A. merus, A. punctulatus and A. wellcomei); Aedes (A. aegypti, A. aquasalis, A. bellator, A. cooki, A. darlingi, A. kochi, A. polynesiensis, A. pseudoscutellaris, A. rotumae, A. scapularis, and A. vigilax); Mansonia (M. pseudotitillans, M. uniformis); Coquillettidia (C. juxtamansonia). During a blood meal, an infected mosquito introduces third-stage filarial larvae onto the skin of the human host, where they penetrate into the bite wound . They develop in adults that commonly reside in the lymphatics . The female worms measure 80 to 100 mm in length and 0.24 to 0.30 mm in diameter, while the males measure about 40 mm by .1 mm. Adults produce microfilariae measuring 244 to 296 μm by 7.5 to 10 μm, which are sheathed and have nocturnal periodicity, except the South Pacific microfilariae which have the absence of marked periodicity. The microfilariae migrate into lymph and blood channels moving actively through lymph and blood . A mosquito ingests the microfilariae during a blood meal . After ingestion, the microfilariae lose their sheaths and some of them work their way through the wall of the proventriculus and cardiac portion of the mosquito's midgut and reach the thoracic muscles . There the microfilariae develop into first-stage larvae and subsequently into third-stage infective larvae . The third-stage infective larvae migrate through the hemocoel to the mosquito's prosbocis and can infect another human when the mosquito takes a blood meal .
Synonyms: African eye worm, Loa worm, Filaria oculiName of disease: Loaiasis, Calabar swelling (swelling Fugitive), Tropical
swelling and Africa eyewormVector: ChrysopsHospes: HumanHabitat: Adult worms found in the subcutaneous tissue
humans. Microfilariae circulating in the blood
during the day (diurna) and live in the pulmonary capillary blood
at night. Can also be found in the urine,
sputum and sometimes in the spinal fluid
back.Geographic distribution: Many are found in West Africa and Central AfricaScientific classificationKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: NemathelmynthesClass: NematodesOrder: SpiruridaSuperfamily: FilarioideaFamily: OnchocercidaeGenus: LoaSpecies: Loa loaHistory
The first case was recorded Loa loa infection in the Caribbean (Santo Domingo) in 1770. A French surgeon named Mongin tried but failed to remove worms that pass in the eyes of a woman. Several years later, in 1778, Francois Guyot surgeon can perform surgery on the worms in the eyes of a slave from West Africa to the French ship to America.
Identification of microfilaria was made in 1890 by ophthalmologist Stephen McKenzie. A common clinical presentation of loiasis, who observed in 1895 in the coastal city of Calabar Nigeria is created the name of swelling.
This observation was made by a Scottish ophthalmologist Douglas Argyll-Robertson, but the relationship between Loa loa and Calabar swelling is not realized until the year 1910 (by Dr. Patrick Manson). Determination of flies Chrysops vectors are known in 1912 by British parasitologist Robert Thompson Leiper.
Adult worms shaped like fine threads and milky white
Female worms: body length can reach 7cm or 50-70 mm 0.5 n
Male worms: 4cm or 30 to 340.43 mm
Microfilariae: 250-300 mokron 6 to 8.5 microns, has a holster / sheath
Life Cycle
A. Microfilariae that circulate in the blood sucked by flies Chrysops
after 10-12 days in the body of insects, microfilariae infective larvae grow up to be characterized by skin changes
then transmitted to other humans
Adult worms live in the human body within 1-4 years, then berkopulasi and female adult worms release microfilariae.
Adult worms grow in the human body and within 1 to 4 weeks from berkopulasi and adult female worms release mikrofilarianya.
Pathogenesis and Clinical Symptoms· Microfilariae usually do not cause symptoms· Adult worms can be found throughout the body and often cause disturbances in the conjunctiva of the eye (sore, swollen eyelids) and the base of the nose· Abnormalities Typical Calabar Swelling or fungitive swelling (swelling of tissue the size of chicken eggs)· If the worms get into the brain may cause encephalitis
By finding microfilariae in the blood taken during the day
By finding the adult worms from the eye conjunctiva or in the subcutaneous tissue
Giving dietilkarbamasin citrate (DEC) dose of 2 mg / kg / day, 3 times daily for 14 days
Surgery to remove the adult worms that can be done at the back of the nose or across the network at the time appear in the conjunctiva of the cornea
Regular treatment of patients
Conducting the eradication of the vector and the vector to prevent bites
PrognosisPrognosis is usually good when the adult worms had been expelled from the eye and the treatment worked well
Diposkan oleh Andreas Heri di 18:51 0 komentar Kirimkan Ini lewat Email
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Label: Parasitologi
Nematoda Jaringan - Loa Loa
Nematoda Jaringan - Loa Loa
Sinonim : Cacing mata Afrika, cacing Loa, Filaria oculi
Nama penyakit : Loaiasis, calabar swelling (fugitive swelling), Tropical
swelling dan Afrika eyeworm
Vektor : Chrysops
Hospes : Manusia
Habitat : Cacing dewasa terdapat di jaringan subkutan
manusia. Mikrofilaria beredar dalam darah pada
siang hari (diurna) dan hidup di kapiler darah paru
pada malam hari. Dapat juga diketemukan di urin,
dahak dan terkadang dalam cairan sumsum tulang
Distribusi geografik : Banyak ditemukan di Afrika Barat dan Afrika Tengah
Klasifikasi ilmiah
Kerajaan : Animalia
Filum : Nemathelmynthes
Kelas : Nematoda
Order : Spirurida
Superfamili : Filarioidea
Keluarga : Onchocercidae
Genus : Loa
Spesies : Loa loa
Kasus pertama infeksi Loa loa tercatat di Karibia (Santo Domingo) pada tahun 1770. Seorang ahli bedah Prancis bernama Mongin mencoba tetapi gagal untuk menghapus cacing yang lewat di mata seorang wanita. Beberapa tahun kemudian, pada 1778, ahli bedah Guyot Francois dapat melakukan pembedahan pada cacing di mata seorang budak dari Afrika Barat pada kapal Prancis ke Amerika.
Identifikasi microfilaria dibuat pada tahun 1890 oleh Stephen dokter mata McKenzie. Sebuah presentasi klinis umum loiasis, yang diamati pada tahun 1895 di pesisir kota Nigeria maka terciptalah nama Calabar swelling.
Pengamatan ini dibuat oleh seorang dokter mata Skotlandia bernama Douglas Argyll-Robertson, tetapi hubungan antara Loa loa dan Calabar swelling tidak disadari sampai tahun 1910 (oleh Dr Patrick Manson). Penentuan vektor lalat Chrysops diketahui pada tahun 1912 oleh British parasitologist Robert Thompson Leiper.
Cacing dewasa berbentuk seperti benang halus dan berwarna putih susu
Cacing betina : panjang tubuhnya dapat mencapai 7cm atau 50 - 70 0,5n mm
Cacing jantan : 4cm atau 30-340,43 mm
Mikrofilaria : 250-300 mikron 6-8,5 mokron, memiliki sarung/selubung
Siklus Hidup
1. Mikrofilaria yang beredar dalam darah dihisap oleh lalat Chrysops
setelah 10-12 hari didalam tubuh serangga, mikrofilaria tumbuh menjadi larva infektif yang ditandai dengan pergantian kulit
kemudian ditularkan kepada manusia lainnya
cacing dewasa hidup dalam tubuh manusia dalam waktu 1-4 tahun, kemudian berkopulasi dan cacing dewasa betina mengeluarkan mikrofilaria.
Cacing dewasa tumbuh dalam badan manusia dan dalam waktu 1 sampai 4 minggu mulai berkopulasi dan cacing betina dewasa mengeluarkan mikrofilarianya.
Patogenesis dan Gejala Klinik
· Mikrofilaria biasanya tidak menimbulkan gejala
· Cacing dewasa dapat diketemukan diseluruh tubuh dan sering kali menimbulkan ganguan di konjungtiva mata (sakit, pelupuk mata bengkak) dan pangkal hidung
· Kelainan yang khas adalah Calabar Swelling atau fungitive swelling (pembengkakan jaringan yang berukuran sebesar telur ayam)
· Jika cacing masuk ke otak dapat menyebabkan ensefalitis
Dengan menemukan mikrofilaria dalam darah yang diambil pada siang hari
Dengan menemukan cacing dewasa dari konjungtiva mata ataupun dalam jaringan subkutan
Pemberian dietilkarbamasin sitrat (DEC) dosis 2 mg/kgBB/hari, 3 x sehari selama 14 hari
Pembedahan untuk mengeluarkan cacing dewasa yang dapat dilakukan pada waktu melintasi jaringan punggung hidung atau pada waktu tampak di konjungtiva kornea
Pengobatan secara teratur terhadap penderita
Mengadakan pemberantasan vektor dan mencegah gigitan vektor tersebut
Prognosis biasanya baik apabila cacing dewasa telah dikeluarkan dari mata dan pengobatan berhasil dengan baik
Diposkan oleh Andreas Heri di 18:48 0 komentar Kirimkan Ini lewat Email
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Label: Parasitologi
Nematoda Jaringan - Wuchereria bancrofti
Nematoda Jaringan - Wuchereria bancrofti
Life Cycle of Wuchereria bancrofti:
Different species of the following genera of mosquitoes are vectors of W. bancrofti filariasis depending on geographical distribution. Among them are: Culex (C. annulirostris, C. bitaeniorhynchus, C. quinquefasciatus, and C. pipiens); Anopheles (A. arabinensis, A. bancroftii, A. farauti, A. funestus, A. gambiae, A. koliensis, A. melas, A. merus, A. punctulatus and A. wellcomei); Aedes (A. aegypti, A. aquasalis, A. bellator, A. cooki, A. darlingi, A. kochi, A. polynesiensis, A. pseudoscutellaris, A. rotumae, A. scapularis, and A. vigilax); Mansonia (M. pseudotitillans, M. uniformis); Coquillettidia (C. juxtamansonia). During a blood meal, an infected mosquito introduces third-stage filarial larvae onto the skin of the human host, where they penetrate into the bite wound . They develop in adults that commonly reside in the lymphatics . The female worms measure 80 to 100 mm in length and 0.24 to 0.30 mm in diameter, while the males measure about 40 mm by .1 mm. Adults produce microfilariae measuring 244 to 296 μm by 7.5 to 10 μm, which are sheathed and have nocturnal periodicity, except the South Pacific microfilariae which have the absence of marked periodicity. The microfilariae migrate into lymph and blood channels moving actively through lymph and blood . A mosquito ingests the microfilariae during a blood meal . After ingestion, the microfilariae lose their sheaths and some of them work their way through the wall of the proventriculus and cardiac portion of the mosquito's midgut and reach the thoracic muscles . There the microfilariae develop into first-stage larvae and subsequently into third-stage infective larvae . The third-stage infective larvae migrate through the hemocoel to the mosquito's prosbocis and can infect another human when the mosquito takes a blood meal .
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